Preventing sexual harassment within the stats community

Preventing sexual and other forms of harassment within the statistical community is something I have been working on over the last year or so. I instigated the formation of and chaired the Statistical Society of Australia’s Committee for preventing and responding to sexual harassment. I led the development of a Code of Conduct for ISCB ASC 2018 (available here), and have written about the things the Code of Conduct Response team got right, and what could have been improved, available here. I spoke about the work being done by the Statistical Society of Australia to prevent and respond to harassment at the Women in Anaesthesia Research symposium run by the British Journal of Anaesthesia, and my talk is available here.

I want the statistical community to be safe, inclusive, and welcoming. If you do have any ideas for how the Statistical Society of Australia can work towards this aim, please get in touch.

Jessica Kasza
Senior Lecturer, Biostatistics Unit, Dept. of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine