Longitudinal cluster randomised trials

My work in longitudinal cluster randomised trials has been focussed on increasing our understanding of the statistical aspects of these designs, and the development of more realistic within-cluster correlation structures. I am part of an International Network on Innovative Cluster Randomised Trials: more information available here. Please get in touch if you would like copies of any of these papers.

1.J Kasza, R Hooper, A Copas, AB Forbes. Sample size and power calculations for open cohort longitudinal cluster randomized trials. Statistics in Medicine. 2020:39(13);1871-1883.

2. K Hemming, J Kasza, R Hooper, AB Forbes, M Taljaard. A tutorial on sample size calculation for multiple-period cluster randomized parallel, cross-over and stepped-wedge trials using the Shiny CRT Calculator . International Journal of Epidemiology. 2020:49(3);979-995. 3. K Grantham, J Kasza, S Heritier, K Hemming, E Litton, A Forbes. How many times should a cluster randomized crossover trial cross over? Statistics in Medicine. 2019:38(25);5021-5033. 4. J Kasza, M Taljaard, A Forbes. Information content of stepped-wedge designs when treatment effect heterogeneity and/or implementation periods are present. Statistics in Medicine. Accepted 2019. 5. K Grantham, A Forbes, S Heritier, J Kasza. Time Parameterizations in Cluster Randomized Trial Planning. The American Statistician. Accepted 2019. 6. K Grantham, J Kasza, S Heritier, K Hemming, A Forbes. Accounting for a decaying correlation structure in cluster randomized trials with continuous recruitment. Statistics in Medicine. 2019:38(11);1918-1934. 7. J Kasza, A Forbes. Inference for the treatment effect in multiple-period cluster randomised trials when random effect correlation structure is misspecified. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. (2019) 28(10-11):3112-3122. 8. J Kasza, A Forbes. Information content of cluster-period cells in stepped wedge trials. Biometrics. (2019) 75(1):144-152.

  1. J Kasza, K Hemming, R Hooper, JNS Matthews, A Forbes. Impact of non-uniform correlation on sample size and power in multiple period cluster randomised trials. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2019;28(3):703-716.
Jessica Kasza
Senior Lecturer, Biostatistics Unit, Dept. of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine