Funnel plot for the perfomance of dialysis centres

Healthcare provider comparison

Funnel plot for the perfomance of dialysis centres

Healthcare provider comparison

I have developed statistical methods for the investigation of healthcare provider performance, and investigated the performance of intensive care units, dialysis centres, and have critiqued the comparison of anaesthetists.

  1. J Kasza, KR Polkinghorne, R Wolfe, SP McDonald, MR Marshall. Comparing dialysis centre mortality outcomes across Australia and New Zealand: identifying unusually performing centres 2008–2013. BMC Health Services Research. Accepted December 2018.
  2. J Kasza, JL Moran and PJ Solomon. Assessing changes over time in health-care provider performance: addressing regression to the mean over multiple time points. Biometrical Journal. (2015) 57(2):271-285.
  3. PJ Solomon, J Kasza and JL Moran. Identifying unusual performance in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units from 2000 to 2010. BMC Medical Research Methodology. (2014) 14:53.
  4. J Kasza, JL Moran and PJ Solomon. Evaluating the performance of Australian and New Zealand intensive care units in 2009 and 2010. Statistics in Medicine. (2013) 32(21):3720-36.
Jessica Kasza
Senior Lecturer, Biostatistics Unit, Dept. of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine